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Subsequent presentations

LETS Talk Aboriginal Language


Mid-candidature presentation

PhD, but not Masters by Research, candidates must complete a mid-candidature presentation--usually within about 24 months FTE from commencement.  During this presentation:

  • candidates should outline the literature and their research questions, methods, and progress to this time
  • candidates should describe any challenges they experienced and how they modified their plan to address these challenges or improve their research.
  • a panel will evaluate progress--similar to a confirmation of candidature oral presentation--although the audience might be larger

Pre-examination presentation

Several months before the planned thesis submission date, PhD and Masters by Research candidates must complete a pre-examination presentation. This presentation is similar to the mid-candidature presentation except that

  • candidates should outline the entire research program and key findings 
  • the purpose is more to recognise the significant achievement of this candidate thus far as well as to optimise the thesis before submission.
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