Northern Territory Adult Literacy And Numeracy Best Practice


An audit of how people integrate literacy and numeracy into the delivery of Training Packages




The Northern Territory Council of Adult Literacy (NTCAL) invites you to browse and explore a unique site. This site is designed to assist those interested in adult literacy and numeracy access the information they need. The website is designed for those with an interest in 'best practice' in the Northern Territory.

What you will find here

The resources provided here are designed for practitioners, adult learners and researchers who want to find out the who, what and where of adult literacy and numeracy practices in the Northern Territory. You can access useful resources and provider links The focus is supporting the achievement of English language, literacy and numeracy competencies within endorsed Training Package delivery across a wide range of industries. A reading room highlights examples of 'best practice'. This resource aims to document and highlight successful techniques and strategies for reference and guidance. It provides case studies of techniques to enhance employee's language, literacy and numeracy skills include cultural relevancy, use of innovative technologies, use of Indigenous translations and mentors, and face-to-face delivery strategies. Links to useful reports and policies are provided.

Quick contacts

To find out more about NTCAL, this website or how to receive more information, or to get help with anything you find on the site, contact NTCAL on 08 8946 7219 or email NTCAL . Other useful contacts are shown on the Contacts page or the About us page.

Design concept

Snakes often symbolise creativity, knowledge and wisdom. The stylised snake used in this site is drawn in the ochre colour of the Northern Territory flag. The circles of colour represent the natural colours of the Northern Territory landscape.

DEWR logo noted tick

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009. Funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy Program by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

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