Key Encounters in Renal care

Five key encounters between health staff and their Yol\u patients (and family members) were videotaped during the 'Sharing the True Stories' project.

Each participant was then interviewed to find out what they believed they had communicated during the encounter and what they had understood from the other participants. Participants were also interviewed about their more general experiences with renal care and intercultural communication.

The videos were then analysed with the involvement of most of the participants in the analysis. Information from all these sources was then integrated in the case studies you can read about below.

The stories of these encounters - from multiple perspectives - illustrate many communication difficulties which are common in any area of health care with Yol\u patients. Click on the links below for a detailed exploration of these encounters.

Key Encounter 1: a medical review for a patient with chronic renal disease.

Key Encounter 2: an education session with a long term dialysis patient.

Key Encounter 3: a medical review with a medium-term patient on dialysis.

Key Encounter 4: an education session with a patient new to dialysis.

Key Encounter 5: an interaction 'on the floor' with a patient during dialysis.