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Open day 2023 crowd

CDU Events

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Hello in Chinese
Casuarina campus

Adult Chinese for beginners

Come and join us to master the pronunciation rules of Chinese and understand the basic formation of the Chinese writing system (Hanzi). The classes will be held every Thursday, starting from 6 March to 8 May.

General, Workshop
Read more about Adult Chinese for beginners
Chinese Business
Casuarina campus

Travel Chinese for beginners

Learn basic Chinese language skills and cultural knowledge for travel and business interactions with China. This course will be held every Thursday from 6 pm - 8 pm, starting on 6 March - 8 May.

Read more about Travel Chinese for beginners
NVivo training

NVIVO advanced

NVivo is designed to help you manage and analyse qualitative data. It allows you to keep your data files organised and to easily code text, sound and video files. NVivo can also help you create models to illustrate your findings.


Read more about NVIVO advanced

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