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Government engagement

CDU contributes its valuable expertise across training, education and research in the unique environment of the NT. As the only university headquartered in the NT and as a dual sector university, CDU is pleased to participate in meaningful consultation with Commonwealth, NT, and local governments.

CDU’s partnership with the Northern Territory Government is the catalyst for a collaborative approach to supporting the economic, social, and environmentally sustainable development of the NT.

Submissions to government


Australian Tertiary Education Commission, Managed Growth Funding System, and Needs-based Funding Consultation Papers

Charles Darwin University Submission addressing the Australian Tertiary Education Commission, Managed Growth Funding System, and Needs-based Funding Consultation Papers (August 2024)

This three-part submission is in response to the government's targeted implementation consultation on key structural reforms announced in the 2024-25 Budget: the establishment of an Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC), the introduction of a new Managed Growth Funding System, and the implementation of Needs-based Funding.

As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Government is fully or partially addressing 29 of the 47 recommendations from the Australian Universities Accord. These include a fairer HELP system, cost-of-living relief for students, and enhanced support for individuals from outer suburbs and regional areas to access university education, along with significant structural reforms to the tertiary education system.

Among these structural reforms is the proposal to establish ATEC, alongside a new Managed Growth Funding System and Needs-based Funding, designed to better support underrepresented students in higher education.

The Australian Universities Accord Panel recommended that ATEC should act as a steward of the tertiary education system, overseeing the implementation of a Managed Growth Funding System and Needs-based Funding. In this capacity, ATEC would work closely with the sector to create a secure and sustainable funding model, with a focus on growth, skills development, equity, and access at the core of the system.

Senate Inquiry into improving economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australia

Charles Darwin University Submission to Senate Inquiry into improving economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australia

The Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (JSCATSIA) is conducting an inquiry into improving economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australians. 

The inquiry examines opportunities and barriers to training, employment, and business development for First Nations Australians, along with the challenges in building the economic and social infrastructure needed to support long-term prosperity. It will explore ways to unlock capital, leverage intellectual property, and utilise the Indigenous Estate and First Nations skills to position First Nations people as key economic partners. Additionally, the inquiry will consider international and intergenerational experiences in fostering economic independence for First Nations communities, as well as other related matters.

Review of Regional Migration Settings Discussion Paper

Charles Darwin University Submission to the Review of Regional Migration Settings Discussion Paper (July 2024)

The Australian Government’s Migration Strategy introduced a new vision for the nation’s migration system, featuring a policy roadmap with eight key actions and over 25 new policy commitments and areas for future reform. A key aspect of this strategy includes a commitment to evaluate regional migration settings and the Working Holiday Maker program to ensure that migration supports regional development objectives and does not contribute to the exploitation of migrant workers.

The discussion paper sought input from stakeholders—including communities, businesses, unions, local governments, state and territory governments, education providers, and others—on how to enhance regional migration settings to foster strong and sustainable regions. It proposed objectives for regional migration, opportunities for improvement, and outlined specific questions on which the Government sought feedback to ensure regional migration complements existing government initiatives.

Senate Inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024

Charles Darwin University Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 (June 2024)

The Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 amends the ESOS Act to enhance the quality, integrity, and sustainable growth of Australia's international education sector. The Bill addresses issues highlighted in the Nixon Review and the Government's Migration Strategy by introducing stricter regulations on education providers and agents. Key measures include requiring providers to disclose education agent commission information, considering the ownership or control relationships between providers and agents in determining fitness for registration, and mandating providers to deliver courses exclusively to domestic students for two years before applying to register courses for overseas students. The Bill also empowers the Minister for Education to set enrollment limits for overseas students and introduces automatic suspensions or cancellations for providers that fail to meet specific criteria or standards.

These amendments impact higher education institutions, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, and schools offering education services to international students, aligning with broader reforms to Australia's migration system. The Bill also introduces measures to automatically suspend or cancel courses identified by the Minister as having systemic delivery issues or providing limited value to Australia's skills and training needs. The changes aim to strengthen the integrity of the sector while supporting the government's priorities for migration and education reform.

Submission to draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework

Charles Darwin University Submission to draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework (June 2024)

The draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework (the Framework) has been released, positioning Australia to ensure the sustainability, quality, and integrity of its world-class international education sector. The Framework aims to establish a collaborative path for the government and the education sector to work together, enabling international education to continue delivering significant benefits to the economy, communities, and international students.

Through this Framework, the government is committed to actively supporting a sector grounded in quality and integrity, fostering a managed system that promotes sustainable growth over time, and empowering Australian providers to extend their high-quality education and training globally.

National Student Ombudsman

Charles Darwin University Submission on a National Student Ombudsman (Janary 2024)

Charles Darwin University welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation on a National Student Ombudsman arising from the Draft Action Plan: Addressing gender-based violence in higher education. This submission addresses the potential of a new Ombudsman to strengthen access to complaint processes across the country and improve student agency. However, the case for an National Student Ombudsman is not strongly made for students in the NT (both vocational and higher education) who can currently access the Ombudsman NT. Should a National Student Ombudsman be established, CDU argues for further consultation on a model to address major areas of ambiguity. 


Senate Inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct

Middle Arm Industrial Precinct Submission (October 2023)

Charles Darwin University acknowledges the need to drive economic growth in the NT and for this reason supports the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct. CDU’s support is not unqualified and our submission addresses the importance of regional environmental monitoring and community engagement. It should also be noted that CDU promotes academic integrity and the freedom of academic inquiry and expression. Academia from across the University may have independently provided their expertise to the Inquiry.

Draft National Science and Research Priorities

Submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on draft National Science and Research Priorities (September 2023) 

The draft National Science and Research Priorities provide an opportunity in Northern Australia to strengthen scientific cohesion and investment, including by drawing on First Nations knowledge systems and leading the nation in decarbonisation and building national resilience. This submission recommends a number of ways the draft Priorities could be strengthened and how Northern Australia can be central to scientific discovery and research, especially working with First Nations people.

Universities Accord – Interim Report

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord Interim report (September 2023)

This targeted Submission responds to the Universities Accord Interim Report and provided an opportunity for CDU to provide new recommendations to support the Accord’ Vision and the three big ideas CDU contributed in April 2023. This submission focuses on how the Accord can enable CDU to deliver on its vision to be Australia’s most connected university, which is pivotal for delivering for Northern Australia’s security and future prosperity.

Artificial Intelligence in the Australian Education System

Submission to the Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the Australian education system (July 2023)

This submission addresses the strengths, future impacts and risks presented by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education in response to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training’s Inquiry. CDU argues that the core business of universities in ‘transferring’ knowledge and engaging students in critical thinking remains as important as ever. The benefits of AI will not be realised without concerted effort on the part of universities.

Northern Territory Mineral Development Taskforce

Northern Territory Mineral Development Taskforce (July 2023)

CDU’s Northern Institute and Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods have unparalleled experience and deep engagement across the NT. In line with the invitation to provide feedback on the Mineral Development Taskforce Final Report, this submission focuses on key recommendations where CDU looks forward to continuing to work with the NT Government and industry to deliver the training, education and research needed to underpin the NT’s future economy.

Northern Territory Senior Secondary Review

Northern Territory Senior Secondary Review (June 2023)

Charles Darwin University supports the NT Government’s efforts to review and implement opportunities for improvement in secondary education. This submission focuses on CDU’s expertise in the NT’s unique learning environment; CDU’s involvement in the secondary years through Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools; and as a critical enabler of school workforces, especially teachers. This submission responds to the NT Government’s Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory Discussion Paper (May 2023).

Inquiry into Food Security in Australia

Inquiry into food security in Australia (April 2023)

This submission is provided in the context of the Commonwealth House Standing Committee on Agriculture’s Inquiry into food security. It leverages CDU’s expertise of Northern’s Australia’s social, economic, environmental and climatic contexts which is essential to realising the sustainable development of agricultural industries across Northern Australia. The submission urges the Committee to give urgent attention to improving local capacity in Northern Australia to help prepare for future shocks to food production systems and improve access to food in remote Australia, especially for First Nations people. The Northern Australia Food Technology Innovation Project is a key example drawn on in the Submission.      

Initial Teacher Education: Teacher Education Expert Panel

Submission to Initial Teacher Education: Teacher Education Expert Panel (April 2023)

Charles Darwin University (CDU) welcomes the continuing opportunity to contribute to Quality Initial Teacher Education reform by providing this targeted submission in response to the Teacher Education Expert Panel’s Discussion Paper released on 23 March 2023. This submission seeks to ensure the Panel is familiar with the workforce challenges and school education context of the NT, especially as it relates to future performance measurement of Initial Teacher Education.

Universities Accord

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper (April 2023)

This submission proposes a new approach to funding for CDU through the Universities Accord so that future generations of Territorians continue to have access to world-class training and higher education. CDU is positioned to make a significant contribution to some of the nation’s biggest challenges: shoring-up energy and water security in the face of climate change; acknowledging our geopolitical environment to protect our national interests; and developing sustainable economic growth in Northern Australia, particularly for First Nations peoples. Case studies throughout this submission demonstrate that innovative research for Northern Australia is much more impactful when underpinned by First Nations knowledges appropriately interweaved ‘with’ Western knowledges.


Review of Australia’s Migration System

Submission to the Review of Australia’s Migration System (December 2022)
CDU’s submission to the Review of Australia’s Migration System draws on CDU’s Northern Australia research expertise to recommend options to underwrite population and economic growth and address workforce shortages in the NT. Acknowledging the valuable economic and social contribution of international students, the submission also addresses ways the migration system could better support international students and provide enhanced opportunities to transition from student visas to permanent migration streams.

Independent Review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001

Submission to the Independent Review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001 (December 2022)
To preserve the Australian Research Council’s fundamental role in building Australia’s research capabilities and developing career researchers, this submission takes account of practical experience with ARC grants and makes a number of recommendations for the Review Panel’s consideration. 

Inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors (December 2022)
In line with the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference, CDU outlines its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated disruption to international education and training. CDU argues that the NT is well placed to attract and retain international students and identifies opportunities to improve permanent migration pathways for international student graduates. 

Commonwealth Treasury Employment White Paper

Submission to the Commonwealth Treasury Employment White Paper (November 2022)
Focusing on areas of strength and great importance to the NT and its people, the submission canvasses demographic considerations, including the case for international migration; how education and training are fundamental enablers of employment; the importance of unlocking potential in remote Australia, especially for First Nations people; and the opportunity for place-based approaches as a key solution for employment and training. 

Commonwealth Defence Strategic Review

Submission to the Commonwealth Defence Strategic Review (November 2022)
With around six per cent of Defence personnel based in the NT, this submission outlines CDU’s contribution to building Defence capability through developing human capital and defence-relevant Research and Development (R&D). 

The Territory's university

  • Petal graphics

    CDU/NTG Partnership Agreement

    The Partnership Agreement recognises that CDU and the NTG have specific roles, responsibilities and governance structures.

    Find out more
  • Charles Darwin University (CDU) will receive hundreds of fee-free TAFE places, as part of a new skills deal made with the Northern Territory and Federal Governments to develop the NT’s workforce.

    New Bilateral Skills agreement to increase CDU’s training capacity

    Charles Darwin University (CDU) will receive hundreds of fee-free TAFE places, as part of a new skills deal made with the Northern Territory and Federal Governments to develop the NT’s workforce.

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  • Charles Darwin University strategic plan 2021-2026

    CDU Strategic Plan 2021-2026

    CDU's new strategic plan will set out our roadmap for the next five years towards a post-pandemic recovery where we will be Australia's most connected university by being courageous and making a difference in the Northern Territory, Australia and beyond.

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Contact us

Government engagement is facilitated through the Vice-President Community Connection. If you would like to learn more about CDU’s government engagement, please contact:

Melanie Mayo
Government Relations Adviser
Office of the Vice-President Community Connection
T: 08 8946 7751 

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