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Steven Tickell, head and chest, wearing a red shirt with white cross hatching, with a rock face behind him
Casuarina campus

Groundwater: Hidden wonder of the Northern Territory

The seminar ‘Groundwater: Hidden wonder of the Northern Territory’ will be presented in two parts. First, Steven will provide a basic explanation of what groundwater is and concepts of how groundwater systems operate. He will then give an NT-wide view of groundwater properties and processes.

Read more about Groundwater: Hidden wonder of the Northern Territory
Andrew Coates, head and chest, on the left of the photo, in a white shirt and a white cap, smiling at the camera, in front of a white wall, with tree branches above his head. A bug trap attached by wires to a tree trunk which is just visible at the right of the image
Casuarina campus

Boring beetles and super models: mapping the distribution of a new invader

The polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) is a tiny beetle with a mouthful of a name, but it’s been making headlines as a new invasive species in Australia. PSHB was first detected in Perth three years ago and has since devastated trees across the city. There are concerns about what its further spread could mean for urban, agricultural and natural environments.

Read more about Boring beetles and super models: mapping the distribution of a new invader

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