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We design, print and deliver quality printed materials to make your experience as friendly and hassle-free as possible. Our total solutions package ensures you can get what you need all from one local territory business.

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About us

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The Printing and Publishing division was born in 1974 as part of the Darwin Community College, Student Services but we had to move off-campus after the big winds, commonly known as Cyclone Tracy. 

In 1978 we moved back to the Casuarina campus and in 1990 we became NTUniprint a commercial business entity of the Northern Territory University. As Darwin’s only university grew and changed its name to Charles Darwin University we grew along with it and became know as UniPrint.

Our team
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Our team is committed to providing you with all the information and support needed to get the job done - no matter how big or small - to suit your schedule in the shortest time frame possible.

Our goal is to provide a total print solution to meet the needs of all our clients.


Printing technology and products
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We have up-to-date printing machinery with extensive finishing capabilities which equates to lots of options. 

We can print just about anything you can imagine on paper or paper products and we have our own in-house delivery service for the University, Darwin City and Palmerston areas.

Quality products and great deals are what we are renowned for!

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8.00 am - 4.21 pm

Purple Building 4
Charles Darwin University
Ellengowan Drive CASUARINA 0810

08 8946 6304

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