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Postgraduate Coursework

Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice)

Key details


2 year/s full-time
4 year/s part-time
2 year/s full-time


Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer Semester
On campus - Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer Semester
Online - No
Important Dates


CDU Sydney, Danala - Education and Community Precinct, Online
CDU Sydney, Danala - Education and Community Precinct

Credit points required


Course code

SATAC codes


The professional practice MPA provides you with a unique opportunity to work in an organisation and gain valuable professional experience while also gaining an MPA qualification.

The course will equip you with contemporary knowledge and skills required for professional practice as a certified practicing accountant (CPA) or chartered accountant (CA). The course will provide you the technical and conceptual skills required in a competent accountant, and will develop your ability to explore, analyse and synthesise various accounting and related principles, methods and techniques. You will undertake a piece of research in your capstone unit of study that incorporates accounting theory and contemporary issues.

You can choose to undertake a professional placement, applied research specialisation or to choose electives that support your career objectives. For your professional practice component CDU provides training specific to working effectively in an organisation. You are then provided with a placement opportunity to work in an organisation of approximately 300 hours over a period of eight to ten weeks. If you wish you may also organise your own placement with a suitable organisation. The placement occurs in the last semester of study and provides you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge you have gained during your MPA studies.

Career opportunities

Completing a Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice) can lead to a wide range of career opportunities in small, medium and large organisations. As a graduate, you may become a financial accountant, management accountant, financial auditor, tax auditor/preparer, business/financial analyst, or work in a large multinational company or 'Big Four' accounting firm. Or, you could run your own businesses, work in a small local accounting firm, or work in other areas of business management. 

Professional recognition

CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ). Graduates may also be eligible for memberships in other overseas-based professional accounting bodies.

Credit transfers and advanced standing


Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

For information about credit transfer available to students with complete or incomplete study at this or other Institutions refer to Pathways for Higher Education to Higher Education

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU

Credit transfers and advanced standing

Credit transfer

For further information on credit transfer and how to apply visit ASK CDU


Non-Commonwealth supported places

Full fee paying places are available in this course.

Information about fees and charges can be found at Fees and Payments.

International tuition fees

The annual tuition fee for full time study in 2025 is AUD $34,720.00. This equates to $ $4,340.00 per 10 credit point unit (0.125 EFTSL).
These fees are subject to increases annually, effective at the start of each calendar year.

You can find a list of International fees and payments you can expect to pay as part of your studies in Australia.

CDU offers a number of scholarships to international students to assist with the cost of study.

Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Enhance your career and improve upon your previous accounting studies. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • #2 Australian university for postgraduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interest
Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Enhance your career and improve upon your previous accounting studies. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Placements available for some courses
  • #2 Australian university for postgraduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Enhance your career and improve upon your previous accounting studies. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • #2 Australian university for postgraduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)
  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interest
Accounting PG student at CDU

Why study accounting at CDU?

Enhance your career and improve upon your previous accounting studies. You'll network with industry leaders while you develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in roles across the finance and banking industry, as well as diverse roles in the public and private sector.

  • Study electives from other areas to complement your career options or interests
  • Placements available for some courses
  • #2 Australian university for postgraduate employment outcomes (GUG 2024)

What will I study?

The professional practice MPA provides you with a unique opportunity to work in an organisation and gain valuable professional experience while also gaining an MPA qualification.

Course structure

The course will equip you with contemporary knowledge and skills required for professional practice as a public or chartered accountant. The course will provide you the technical and conceptual skills required in a competent accountant, and will develop your ability to explore, analyse and synthesise various accounting and related principles, methods and techniques.

For your professional practise component CDU provides training specific to working effectively in an organisation. You are then provided with a placement opportunity to work in an organisation of approximately 300 hours over a period of eight to ten weeks. If you wish you may also organise your own placement company to work at. The placement occurs in the last semester of study and provides you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge you have gained during your MPA studies.

Where students have prior CPA/CAANZ assessed exemptions and require electives to complete the total of 160 credit points, electives may be selected from the MBA, on approval of the Course Coordinator.

A candidate must successfully complete units totalling 160 credit points (cp) as detailed below. All units are valued at 10 credit points unless otherwise indicated.

Unit typeCredit PointsSpecific requirements
Core Units   
(12 units)
120cpCompulsory Core units totalling 120 credit points as detailed below.    

ACT501 Accounting Principles   
ACT502 Management Accounting   
ACT503 Corporate Accounting   
ACT504 Auditing   
ACT505 Accounting Theory   
ACT506 Accounting Information Systems   
ECO505 Economics of Sustainability (replaces ECO504 from 2022)   
FIN510 Aspects of Corporate Finance   
LAW511 Australian Tax Law   
LAW513 Corporate Law   
LAW514 Commercial Law   
STA510 Business Statistics
Specialist Elective   
(0-3 units)

Students may complete 40 credit points from the Professional Placement Specialisation below or undertake 40 credit points of general electives.

Professional Placement Specialisation   
It is required that students undertaking this specialisation have a GPA of at least 4.5 before enrolling in WIB602 and WIB603.   
WIB602 and WIB603 must be taken concurrently and both units have a pre-requisite unit: WIB601

WIB601 Business Skill and Professional Communication (unit title change 2022)   
WIB602 Professional Practice 1   
WIB603 Professional Practice 2 (20cp)


The following specialisations have been discontinued and are no longer available.

Advanced Business Research Specialisation (no longer available from S2 2023)   
Minimum academic performance required   
BUS801 Business Research Project 1: Literature Review and Research Design (not available from 2023)   
BUS802 Business Research Project 2: Applied Qualitative Business Research (not available from 2023)   
BUS803 Business Research Project 3: Applied Quantitative Business Research (not available from 2023)   
BUS804 Business Research Thesis Proposal (not available from 2023)   

Open Specialisation: Students select 40cp from the list below (no longer available from 2025)  
BUS504 Sustainable Enterprise   
BUS505 Design Thinking for Sustainable Innovation   
BUS506 Global Megatrends   
BUS507 Global Market and Sustainability Strategy   
ENT501 Sustainable Entrepreneurship
FIN503 Finance, Investment and Sustainability
MAN514 Management for the Executive   
MAN516 Resilience Management and Leadership

General Elective   
(0-4 units)

General Elective units totalling between 0-40 credit points selected from postgraduate units offered by the University.

Students not enrolling in the Professional Placement Specialisation may select units from postgraduate units offered by CDU.

 160cpTotal Credit Points

Course Rules (unless otherwise indicated in the above course structure)


The Open specialisation has been discontinued and is no longer available. 



The Advanced Business Research specialisation has been discontinued and is no longer available.



ECO504 Business Economics will no longer be available   
ECO505 Economics of Sustainability has been introduced as a core unit   
Students must now complete 40cp of specialist elective units selected from 1 of the specialisations

Students that completed the following Professional Research Project prior to 2022 may still count the units towards specialist electives   
WIB608 Professional Business Market Research Project (no longer available from 2022)   
WIB609 Professional Business Market Research Project (20cp) (no longer available from 2022)

Students that completed the following Professional Practice Research prior to Semester 2 2017 may still count the units towards specialist electives   
WIB601 Business Skill and Professional Communication (unit title changed 2022)    
WIB604 Professional Business Project #10 (no longer avail from S2 2017) (previously PRB006)   
WIB605 Professional Business Project #20 (no longer avail from S2 2017) (previously PRB007)



Students who have completed PRBA031, PRBE003, PRBL004 or PRBM022 should NOT transfer to this new course.

Unit Code and Course Requirements from 2016   
Following is a summary of unit code changes. ALL students should enrol in the latest unit code from 2016.

Pre-2016 Unit Code (MACPP requirements)2016 Unit Code (SPAPP1 requirements)
PRBA001 Accounting PrinciplesACT501 Accounting Principles
PRBA002 Cost and Management AccountingACT502 Management Accounting
PRBA003 Corporate AccountingACT503 Corporate Accounting
PRBA004 Auditing Corporate EntitiesACT504 Auditing
PRBA005 Accounting TheoryACT505 Accounting Theory
PRBA006 Computer-based Accounting SystemsACT506 Accounting Information Systems
PRBA031 Business CommunicationsDoes not count towards the SPACC1 #see note below
PRBE003 Economics StatisticsDoes not count towards the SPACC1 #see note below
 ECO504 Business Economics (new unit)
 STA510 Business Statistics (new unit)
PRBF010 Aspects of Corporate FinanceFIN510 Aspects of Corporate Finance
PRBL004 Commercial and Corporate Law for ManagersDoes not count towards the SPACC1 #see note below
 LAW514 Commercial Law (new unit)
 LAW513 Corporate Law (new unit)
PRBL003 Australian Tax LawLAW511 Australian Tax Law
PRBM022 Organisational BehaviourDoes not count towards the SPACC1 #see note below
PRB001 Professional Practice Experience #10WIB601 Business Skill and Professional Communication (unit title changed 2022)
PRB002 Professional Practice Experience #10WIB602 Professional Practice Experience #10
PRB003 Professional Practice Experience #20WIB603 Professional Practice Experience #20
PRB006 Professional Practice Research #10WIB604 Professional Business Project #10 (no longer avail from S2 2017)
PRB007 Professional Practice Research #20WIB605 Professional Business Project #20 (no longer avail from S2 2017)

Additional Information

  • Students who have completed #PRBA031 Business Communications, #PRBE003 Economics Statistics, #PRBL004 Commercial and Corporate Law for Managers and/or #PRBM022 Organisational Behaviour should NOT transfer to this new course (SPAPP1) as these units are not transferrable.
  • COM510 Advanced Business Communication (previously PRBA031), ECO503 Economic Statistics (previously PRBE003), LAW512 Commercial and Corporate Law (previously PRBL004) and MAN506 Organisational Behaviour (previously PRBM022) DO NOT count towards this award and should not be completed by students enrolled in this course.


Study plan


The Recommended Study Plan provided below is suitable for a student enrolling in a full-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.   
Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective


Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO
ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCOACT503 Corporate AccountingCO
STA510 Business StatisticsCOACT504 AuditingCO
LAW514 Commercial LawCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO
Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOACT505 Accounting TheoryCO
LAW511 Australian Tax LawCOWIB602 Professional Practice Experience 1SE
ACT506 Accounting Information SystemsCOWIB603 Professional Practice Experience 2 (20cp)SE
WIB601 Business Skill and Professional CommunicationSE  

Top of Page

Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

OPEN SPECIALISATION (no longer available from 2025)

Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO
ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCOACT503 Corporate AccountingCO
STA510 Business StatisticsCOACT504 AuditingCO
LAW514 Commercial LawCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO
Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOACT505 Accounting TheoryCO
LAW511 Australian Tax LawCOACT506 Accounting Information SystemsCO
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/ESpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/ESpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E

Top of Page



The Recommended Study Plan provided below is suitable for a student enrolling in a full-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.   
Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective


Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
  ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCO
  ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCO
  STA510 Business StatisticsCO
  LAW514 Commercial LawCO
Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO
ACT503 Corporate AccountingCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO
ACT504 AuditingCOACT506 Accounting Information SystemsCO
LAW511 Australian Tax LawCOWIB601 Business Skill and Professional CommunicationSE
Year 3
ACT505 Accounting TheoryCO  
WIB602 Professional Practice Experience 1SE  
WIB603 Professional Practice Experience 2 (20cp)SE  

Top of Page

Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

OPEN SPECIALISATION (no longer available from 2025)

Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2
Year 1
  ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCO
  ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCO
  STA510 Business StatisticsCO
  LAW514 Commercial LawCO
Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO
ACT503 Corporate AccountingCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO
ACT504 AuditingCOSpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E
LAW511 Australian Tax Law COSpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E
Year 3
ACT505 Accounting TheoryCO  
ACT506 Accounting Information Systems  CO  
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E  
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E  

Top of Page



The Recommended Study Plan provided below is suitable for a student enrolling in a full-time study load. Students entering this course with advanced standing, or wishing to vary their study plan due to work, personal, financial or other reasons should use the table as a guide to create an individual study plan.

When designing an individual study plan:

  • maintain the basic order in which units are to be attempted; and
  • check the prerequisite and assumed knowledge for each unit as some units assume you have completed foundation unit/s in the unit area at a lower level.   
Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective


Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2Summer Semester
Calendar Year 1
    ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCO
    ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCO
    STA510 Business StatisticsCO
Calendar Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOLAW511 Australian Tax LawCO  
ACT503 Corporate AccountingCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO  
ACT504 AuditingCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO  
LAW514 Commercial LawCOWIB601 Business Skill and Professional CommunicationSE  
Calendar Year 3
ACT505 Accounting TheoryCOACT506 Accounting Information SystemsCO  
WIB602 Professional Practice Experience 1SE    
WIB603 Professional Practice Experience 2 (20cp)SE    

Top of Page

Legend:CO = Core UnitSE = Specialist Elective

OPEN SPECIALISATION (no longer available from 2025)

Full-Time Study Plan

Semester 1Semester 2Summer Semester (Sem-3)
Calendar Year 1
    ACT501 Accounting PrinciplesCO
    ECO505 Economics of SustainabilityCO
    STA510 Business StatisticsCO
Calendar Year 2
ACT502 Management AccountingCOFIN510 Aspects of Corporate FinanceCO  
ACT503 Corporate AccountingCOLAW513 Corporate LawCO  
ACT504 AuditingCOLAW511 Australian Tax LawCO  
LAW514 Commercial LawCOSpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E  
Calendar Year 3
ACT505 Accounting TheoryCOSpecialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E  
ACT506 Accounting Information SystemsCO    
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E    
Specialist Elective/General ElectiveSE/E    

Top of Page

Entry requirements

Admission criteria

Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree, graduate diploma, masters degree, or equivalent international qualification. Applicants who have completed the Graduate Certificate in Accounting Studies are also eligible for entry.

Applicants who have previously completed an accounting degree within Australia are not eligible to apply.

International entry pathway

International PathwayApplicants who have completed the CDU International Masters Qualifying Program (ZMQP01 or ZMQP02) or the Accelerated International Masters Qualifying Program (ZAMQP1 or ZAMQP2) are eligible for entry.

Essential requirements

English language requirements


To gain entry into Charles Darwin University, all Higher Education applicants must satisfy the University's English Language Proficiency Requirements for their chosen course of study. From 2025 all applicants will be required to supply evidence of this at the time of application.

The minimum English language requirement for this course can be met by evidencing of one of the following: 

Year 12Successful completion of Year 12 within Australia, or an equivalent qualification from an approved country where English is the official language (refer to our approved standard and extended lists included below).
0.5 FTE Higher Education StudySuccessful completion of at least 0.5FTE of higher education study from Australia or an approved country where English is the official language (refer to our approved standard and extended lists included below). If studies were completed from a country on the extended list, they must have been completed within the past five (5) years.
CDU Enabling CourseSuccessful completion of a Charles Darwin University enabling program of at least 0.5FTE (40 credit points).
TAFE QualificationSuccessful completion of a recognised TAFE qualification at a Certificate III level or higher from Australia.
AHPRA RegistrationCurrent AHPRA registration as a Division 1 or Division 2 nurse. Registration must be current at the time of course commencement.
English Test^Completion of an approved English test within two years of commencement, meeting the minimum scores outlined in the table below.

^ Minimum Requirements for English Tests:

 Postgraduate requirementsUndergraduate requirements
CDU ELICOS - English for Academic PurposesSuccessful completion of EAP004Successful completion of EAP003
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic testOverall minimum: 6.5             
No band below: 6.0
Overall minimum: 6.0             
No band below 6.0
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)Overall minimum: 176             
No skill below: 169
Overall minimum: 169             
No skill below 169
Pearson Tests of English (PTE) AcademicOverall minimum: 58             
No score below 50
Overall minimum: 50             
No score below: 50
Test of English as a Foreign languageOverall minimum: 79             
Minimum writing score: 21
Overall minimum: 60             
Minimum writing score: 21

IELTS One Skill Retake is accepted, allowing candidates to retake a single skill within 60 days of sitting their initial test. One Skill Retake results are valid for two years from the date of the first test (not from the date of the Retake test) to the date of commencement at CDU. 

CDU accepts combined results from two test sittings of IELTS Academic, PTE Academic, or TOEFL, taken within a six-month period, if:

  • Both tests were under the same testing system; and
  • The overall score in both tests meets the overall minimum; and
  • The applicant achieved the section minimum for each section in at least one test. 

Recognised English-speaking countries:

Standard ListAntigua and Barbuda, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Extended ListBermuda, Botswana, Cayman Islands, Ethiopia, Fiji, Kenya, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Seychelles, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu, Zimbabwe.

For further details on the English requirements for CDU courses, please refer to the CDU English Language Proficiency Policy.


To gain entry into Charles Darwin University, all Higher Education applicants must satisfy the University's English Language Proficiency Requirements for their chosen course of study. 

The minimum English language requirement for this course is met by either undertaking previous education from an English-speaking country or undertaking one of the following English language tests and obtaining the minimum requirements listed below.

CDU English for Academic Purposes 4 (ZEAP40)Successful completion of EAP004 English for Academic Purposes 4
IELTS Academic Module (including One Skill Retake)A minimum overall score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0.
Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)A minimum overall score of 176, with no skill below 169.
Common European Framework Certificate of English ProficiencyA minimum overall grade of C1, valid for three years from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic moduleA minimum overall score of 58 with no score lower than 50.
TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT)A minimum overall score of 79 with a minimum writing score of 21.

* All tests are valid for two years from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU, unless otherwise specified.  
* Where applicable, international applicants must also satisfy the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) English language requirements for student visa applications.

Do you have a question regarding English requirements at CDU? Please email:  

I love CDU! The faculty staff give out such positive vibes, inspire you to work hard and cheer you on with every step you take.


CDU student


I love CDU! The faculty staff give out such positive vibes, inspire you to work hard and cheer you on with every step you take.


CDU student


Course details


This course is accredited by the University in accordance with the Higher Education Standards.

Inherent Requirements

There are inherent requirements for this course. Students must read and understand the requirements for this course.

Australian qualification framework

This course is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 9.

Additional information

Can offers be deferred?
Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice)
Faculty of Arts and Society
Area of study

Contact details

For further information about the course, enrolment procedures, closing dates and other administrative issues please contact Student Central on: 061 963 (free call)

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

Learn more about accounting at CDU

Rafat is a CDU Alumni from Bangladesh and studied a Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice). Hear more about her experience of studying, living, working and playing in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

You make CDU

Together we are a positive force for change in our communities and the world.

Learn more about accounting at CDU

Rafat is a CDU Alumni from Bangladesh and studied a Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice). Hear more about her experience of studying, living, working and playing in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

How to apply

There are many ways to apply to CDU. The method you use depends on your course type, where you live and whether you are a new or returning student to CDU.

Remember to apply early for your best chance at securing an offer to study with us.


SATAC is the application channel for residents of NT, ACT, SA, WA, QLD, VIC, NSW or TAS.

International applications

Applications must be submitted online through our application portal, Studylink. You'll need a valid email address to create your online account. Once you have started your application, you will be able to save it and resume it later. There is no application fee when you apply online.

You may be able to lodge a direct application; however, there may be restrictions on your geographic location. If you cannot submit a direct application via the application portal, please apply through one of our registered agents.

Apply through StudyLink or through an Agent.

SATAC codes

CDU Sydney (FF)
Danala - Education and Community Precinct (FF)
Online (FF)
* CSP = Commonwealth supported place
FF = Full fee

CRICOS codes

CDU Sydney
Danala - Education and Community Precinct

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