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Darwinite Alicia is joining the next generation of doctors

This article appears in: Health, High school to uni, Science
Future doctor Alicia is studying clinical sciences at CDU

Narrowing down a career path was hard for Darwin local Alicia. She's now on the direct pathway to medicine through the Bachelor of Clinical Sciences at Charles Darwin University. 

“It’s taken my entire school life to decide on the degree because I have so many passions I want to pursue!” she says.

Her nurse practitioner father instilled an interest in medicine in her from an early age, so Alicia eventually settled on her path - and her university.

She enrolled in a Bachelor of Clinical Sciences as part of CDU's medicine double degree with the Northern Territory Medical Program (NTMP).

CDU is close to home, accessible, and has a real Territory feel to it.

The transition to uni

Clinical sciences student Alicia on campus

Like many students fresh out of high school, Alicia admits she felt a little underprepared for the increased coursework and structure of university. 

The real difference, Alicia notes, was that much of the learning is self-driven. 

“I had to use methods of study that I know work best for me, as well as trying new ways of studying.”

Now that she’s more adjusted to uni life, Alicia’s enjoying the hands-on aspect of studying clinical sciences.

I’ve loved the practical work, particularly the microbiology labs! It’s been great to experience the real laboratory environment and professional practice.

“We frequently use equipment such as culture plates and I have learnt a range of clinical and laboratory practices including aseptic technique, bacterial dilutions, and my favourite - gram staining.”

For any other high schoolers staring down their career path, Alicia recommends simply choosing something you know you will enjoy and will benefit you in the long run.

“Uni is a really big step up, but it’s okay to be afraid and go for it anyway. There are people supporting you along the way.”

She also encourages young women to consider a career in the sciences.

We need more women in STEM! It’s so incredible to be in an academic community with strong female role models and peers.

“If that’s what your heart tells you, don’t listen to anyone else,” she says. 

Destination: doctor

Alicia’s still got a long road ahead of her, but that gives her plenty of time to figure out exactly which field of medicine she wants to pursue.

“I know that I want to travel and experience different medical settings, but I also know that the Territory has so many diseases and conditions that aren’t seen as frequently elsewhere,” she says.

"Doctors are in crucially short supply in Darwin, so maybe I will find myself back here after some travelling."

Dreaming of a career as a doctor? Our Bachelor of Clinical Sciences is a direct pathway for CDU students to study medicine on campus in Darwin.

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