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CDU responds to National Student Safety Survey results

Charles Darwin University (CDU) responds to the findings released by Universities Australia’s National Student Safety Survey today.
Charles Darwin University (CDU) responds to the findings released by Universities Australia’s National Student Safety Survey today.

Charles Darwin University (CDU) has responded to the findings released by Universities Australia as a part of the National Student Safety Survey, which reports on the scale and nature of university student experiences of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

More than 970 CDU undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the survey, out of 43,819 students nationally. 

The survey was administered across the sector from Monday, September 6 to Sunday, October 3, 2021.

The key findings for CDU students who participated in the survey show:

  • 12.4 per cent of CDU students who completed the survey have experienced sexual harassment since starting university (against a national average of 16.1 per cent, or one in six students).
  • 3.8 per cent of CDU students who completed the survey have experienced sexual assault since starting university (against a national average of 4.5 per cent or one in 20 students).
  • 4.6 per cent of CDU students who completed the survey report experiencing sexual harassment in the last 12 months (against a national average of 8.1 per cent).
  • 21.4 per cent of CDU students who completed the survey sought support for sexual harassment (against a national average of 16.8 per cent).

Charles Darwin University (CDU) Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman said CDU supported the release of Universities Australia’s findings, but more action was required to respond to sexual violence experienced by university students.

“These are deeply concerning findings, and it is clear to me that there is much more that we must do as a University to challenge these attitudes,” Professor Bowman said.

“CDU will take all possible measures to prevent sexual harassment and sexual assault and for responding effectively when it occurs.”

“Violence of any type in our university community is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are committed to a primary intervention strategy to stop sexual assault and sexual harassment before it occurs.”

Since the previous survey was administered in 2016, CDU has made progress to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and assault by establishing a Respect. Now. Always Committee which continues to meet and review CDU’s undertakings in regard to CDU’s 10-Point Action Plan.

CDU has also implemented a new mandatory online module Consent Matters for all staff, CDU Student Council, residential leaders and student ambassadors.

CDU has also developed a CDU Contact Officers network who provide advice for students and staff who want to talk to someone about their options or would like further information. Contact Officers are trained in how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence, equal opportunities legislation and responsibilities, bullying and discrimination legislation, mandatory reporting responsibilities in the NT.

CDU has also reviewed and updated its policy – leading to the development of the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Assault and Harassment Policy.  

CDU will be seeking feedback from the university community to hear from staff and students about what steps the university community would like to see addressed to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment from occurring and what further supports students and staff need.

If you are a student who is affected by sexual assault or harassment or you have any questions, please contact Student Support on 08 8946 6264 or email

Students who would like information about how to submit a complaint about sexual assault or harassment, please contact the Student Complaints team for a confidential discussion about your concerns. You can contact the team via email: or by phone: 08 8946 7785 or 08 8946 6346.

Our CDU Wellbeing Support Line is open 24/7 to offer support during the survey period and ongoing. Call 1300 933 393. Students can book an appointment with a CDU counsellor by visiting this webpage.

For staff who find these results distressing, we encourage you to access support. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all staff and their families for up to 3 free sessions. To access ASSURE EAP Services, make an appointment by calling 1800 808 374.

The survey was conducted by the Social Research Centre (SRC) in partnership with leading violence prevention expert Associate Professor Anastasia Powell of RMIT University.

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