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CDU TAFE partners with Commonwealth to boost early childhood educator workforce in regional centres

The Northern Territory has welcomed some of its newest residents with 14 Charles Darwin University (CDU) TAFE Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) students arriving in Darwin from Papua New Guinea as part of the Australian Government’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme pilot. 

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Charles Darwin University (CDU) is holding it’s Casuarina Campus Open Day this Saturday August 17 with attendees having the chance to discover what is on offer at CDU.

CDU Casuarina Open Day to shine a light on new opportunities

Charles Darwin University (CDU) will host its 2024 Open Day at its Casuarina Campus this Saturday to give Territorians a peak at what the University has to offer.

Read more about CDU Casuarina Open Day to shine a light on new opportunities
The study was conducted by Charles Darwin University (CDU) Linguistics Lecturer Dr Awni Etaywe.

Patterns of identity attacks in extremist language uncover their violent intentions

A groundbreaking new study into the patterns of terrorist language could help authorities create algorithms to detect and flag extremist content online.

Read more about Patterns of identity attacks in extremist language uncover their violent intentions
The new book by Dr Seb Dianati explores the ethics and ideologies of Massive Open Online Courses.

Should you study a short course with Harvard or Stanford? New book says to think twice

Online platforms which once promised to make learning from universities such as Harvard and Stanford available to the masses are turning education into a product which can be traded, bought, or sold according to a new book challenging the ethics of these sites.

Read more about Should you study a short course with Harvard or Stanford? New book says to think twice
CDU Groundwater researchers are calling on citizen scientists to use water sampling kits to collect groundwater to help increase understanding of water quality across northern Australia.

Calling all citizen scientists to learn more about groundwater

Charles Darwin University (CDU) researchers are calling out for over 500 citizen scientists living in the northern part of the Territory and Western Australia to collect water samples from their bores using sampling kits in a bid to increase water security. 

Read more about Calling all citizen scientists to learn more about groundwater
: Scott McDinny and Lauren Mellor installing solar at Mumathumburru (West Island). Credit: Rachel Mounsey.

Shining a renewable light on remote energy challenges

The innovative efforts to switch on renewable energy at remote Northern Territory communities will be discussed at a short film screening and panel discussion today at Charles Darwin University.

Read more about Shining a renewable light on remote energy challenges
Professor Steven Greenland has been appointed Dean of Graduate Studies at Charles Darwin University.

Worldly academic brings breadth of experience to role

A scholar with decades of academic and industry research experience has been appointed Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) new Dean of Graduate Studies.

Read more about Worldly academic brings breadth of experience to role
Minister for Education the Honourable Jason Clare MP has awarded 12 Charles Darwin University (CDU) students Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship, in a bid to encourage more people to become teachers.

Twelve CDU students receive key teaching scholarship

Twelve students from Charles Darwin University (CDU) have today each been awarded a Commonwealth Teaching Scholarship, in a bid to encourage more people to become teachers. 

Read more about Twelve CDU students receive key teaching scholarship
More consideration should be given to animals in ecosystem restoration assessments and a new CDU study shows how this can be done.

Top gong awarded to leading researcher

A Charles Darwin University researcher and globally recognised ecologist has been awarded a prestigious medal for his contributions to ecological science. 

Read more about Top gong awarded to leading researcher
Iconic Australian Actor and First Nations advocate, Jack Thompson AM will deliver the 23rd Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture at Charles Darwin University (CDU) on 7 August. Photo Credit Peter Brew-Bevan.

Iconic Australian Jack Thompson AM to deliver this year’s Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture

Iconic Australian actor and First Nations advocate Jack Thompson AM will deliver the 23rd Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture at Charles Darwin University (CDU) in August. 

Read more about Iconic Australian Jack Thompson AM to deliver this year’s Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture


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