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Northern Institute

Research student sessions and support

NI Research Students at February 2024 Meeting

Northern Institute has a wonderful community of Masters and PhD candidates working on a range of fascinating projects! We invite NI & wider CDU HDR (Higher Degree by Research) students to join our in-person & online events to connect with peers and academic staff and support each other throughout their research and academic journeys. 

Professor Helen Verran Smiling in front of green trees

Meet your mentor: Professor Helen Verran 

Helen has had a varied career in academia at seven universities on four continents. Before taking up her professorship at Charles Darwin University, Helen spent twenty-five years teaching and researching in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne in Australia. During that time, she worked closely with Yolŋu Aboriginal knowledge authorities and scientists as they tried to work together in respectful ways. 

Helen is a fantastic support and a wonderful resource for our research students. She has facilitated our student connection events for over 7 years. Read profile.

Thesis Talk

Connecting to and through ideas, with research peers… 

Thesis Talk is a facilitated academic discussion for HDR candidates to discuss ideas together. Professor Helen Verran (Northern Institute) brings rich academic expertise and a supportive approach to facilitating student discussions. Talk through the nitty-gritty of research practices. Participate in intellectual conversations and expand your thinking by talking and listening. Explore concepts, theories and practicalities. Share your research experiences. Listen to and learn from peers undertaking various valuable research projects. Reflect on your work and realign your goals. You are a valuable part of our research community – please join us! 

  • Monthly sessions with a different topic
  • In-person at Savanna Room & online via Zoom (using the same link).
  • Fourth Wednesday from 3.00-4.00 pm (ACST) from March to November 2024.
  • Available for all current CDU HDR (Higher Degree by Research) students and supervisors

NI 'Work-Together' Group

Get some work done with the support of your HDR peers.

Northern Institute HDR candidate work-together groups are an opportunity to get some work done towards your project while catching up with your HDR peers and supporting each other. Schedule the time, join online from your workspace and bring something to work on. We borrow from the Pomodoro technique for regular, enjoyable work breaks and to enhance productivity. You are welcome to join any sessions that work for you - you might meet different researchers in different groups. 

  • Weekly online-only sessions alternating on Wednesdays & Fridays
  • Upcoming session dates are listed below
  • Available for NI HDR Students only


NI student events are only available to current CDU students and as a hybrid (in-person & online) or via Zoom. If Darwin-based, we encourage you to join us at the Northern Institute's Savanna Room: 

CDU Casuarina Campus, Building Yellow 1, Level 2, Room 48. 
Google Maps Location

You only need to register interest in a NI student event once. After approval, you will receive a confirmation email. Calendar invites will be sent to your email for upcoming sessions with the online meeting links so you can join if you are attending virtually. 

Register Interest

Have any questions or issues registering for an event? Contact our NI HDR Student Convenor, Emily Armstrong, at or the Research Support Service at or 08 8946 7468.

2024 Student Sessions Schedule


Events & Topics


Friday 7
2:30-4:30 pm
Wednesday 12
8:30-10:30 am
Friday 21
2:30-4:30 pm
Wednesday 26
8:30-10:30 am

Thesis Talk 
TOPIC: Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinarity. As contemporary researchers, we are all expected to be doing it.  

But how to usefully understand what is expected of us when our work is described by these terms? We need to begin by asking what a 'discipline' IS, and how disciplines differ. In northern Australia, we need to go further and ask how disciplinary differences are related to differences in cross-cultural knowledge work and research.

We need to have a working story of how the knowledge work of different disciplines differs... Then, we can begin to ask about connecting them in different ways. 

- Helen

Wednesday 31 
3 - 4 pm
AUGUSTThesis Talk 
Topics are available a week before the session date.
Wednesday 28 
3 - 4 p
Topics are available a week before the session date.
Wednesday 25
3 - 4 pm
OCTOBERThesis Talk 
Topics are available a week before the session date.
Wednesday 23
3 - 4 pm
NOVEMBERThesis Talk 
Topics are available a week before the session date.
Wednesday 27 
3 - 4 pm


Previous Student Events

Thesis Talk was previously run as the 'Espresso Yourself!' student session and is a space for current CDU HDR students (and supervisors) to connect, gain support, and receive valuable academic advice.

2023 Session TopicsDate
Topic: Problems with Starting?
Wednesday 22
Topic: 'Impact for the good'
"We all start out in our HDR candidature in hopes that the information we unearth and/or assemble in our research will have an impact for the good." In April, we will discuss some questions that will help us think about what exactly 'impact for the good' implies and consider if there are implications for how we design our study.
Topic: Confirmation of Candidature 
"Calling all Northern Institute, FAS, and CDU Research Higher Degree students who are preparing themselves to leap over their FIRST RHD candidature hurdle.... The CoC (Confirmation of Candidature) presentation and paper. Come to our Thesis Talk meeting and tell us about how you are preparing. Get some ideas about what else might help you as you prepare to make the leap!" 
Wednesday 22 
Topic: Is your research concerned with 'social and public policy'? How? 
Come to the June Thesis Talk Meeting and tell us! Helen will have a go at asking and answering the following questions: What IS 'social and public policy'?  What sort of work is involved in doing social and public policy? How do you research it? Thesis Talk is made available to all CDU Research Higher Degree candidates by The Northern Institute, a social and public policy research centre. We are located within CDU's Faculty of Arts and Society. Our research aims to develop an understanding of the full gamut of what is involved in regional development going beyond the economistic vision; to collect, formulate and provide evidence that can inform policy thinking and services delivery; to facilitate the develop of capacity building amongst the various and often very different sorts of institutions and organisations that have life in our region; and provide responsive and responsible for good governance. Our large cohort of Research Higher Degree students are an important element in our being able to do that.
Wednesday 26 
2023 Session TopicsDate
'The new kid on the block' of global Research Higher Degree life: Open AI 
Wednesday 24
Problems with Starting?
Wednesday 2
Who is your IDEAL reader?
What's your Data?
Wednesday 28
Thinking critically, talking and doing it together.  
Wednesday 26
On-the-ground experience in postgraduate research
Wednesday 23
PhD Overwhelm 
Wednesday 27
Analysis VS Interpretation
Wednesday 25

This month, we are doing something a little different for Espresso Yourself! Please join us on Friday, 1st December, from 3 pm to launch the new Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contextsedition.

This 28th edition of the journal is a special issue inquiring into Northern Australia. Edited by Prof Helen Verran, the edition features five papers written by doctoral students as they neared the end of their research higher degree candidature. Please join us to discuss the publishing experience during HDR candidature facilitated by Helen Verran. The authors will each speak briefly about their articles and share their reflections. 

The event will be held online and in the Savanna Room, Northern Institute. Please RSVP. 
Light refreshments are provided.

Friday 1 December 
3 – 4 pm ACST
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