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Research and Innovation

Share your research impact story

Developing a narrative and/or case study of the real-world benefits of your research. The workshop is for CDU and Menzies researchers and research support staff. Must have access to RIS/PURE.
Presenter Office of Research and Innovation (Impact Team)
Contact person
Gail Power
T: 08 8946 7366 E:
Location Casuarina Red9 1.48 Seminar Room
OR via Zoom
Open to Researcher
Share stories of research impact


Being able to describe the real world benefits and/or change resulting from your research in a clear, concise way is crucial to attract funding, media attention, career promotional opportunities to name a few. In this workshop you will be given examples of impact narratives and case studies to help you develop a clear, concise, non-jargon Research Summary to promote one’s research and impacts for diverse purposes. You will also learn how to use the RIS/PURE Impact Record to record impact and evidence.

The workshop is for CDU and Menzies researchers and research support staff. Must have access to RIS/PURE.


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