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Orientation offers window to CDU life

Parks and Wildlife officer Tim Porter shows Bachelor of Nursing student Gigitha Giji a baby crocodile
Parks and Wildlife officer Tim Porter shows Bachelor of Nursing student Gigitha Giji a baby crocodile

Hundreds of new and returning students are attending Semester 2 Orientation at Charles Darwin University this week, with events also scheduled at Alice Springs, Sydney and Melbourne campuses.

Orientation coordinator Jaime McCartney said there were plenty of activities to ease students into their surroundings before classes start.

“At Casuarina campus, a highlight will be the Indigenous Knowledge and Learning Showcase featuring rangers with a baby croc and python, didgeridoo playing, UPAI PURRI dancers and plenty of cultural activities,” Ms McCartney said.  

“Other events such as yoga, a movie under the stars, lunches, and academic information sessions and workshops are also on offer.”

She said Orientation was an important time, especially for students who were starting studies mid-year.

“Orientation is a great way for students to make a smooth transition into university life before the semester begins and workloads build,” Ms McCartney said.

“It is designed to help students settle into university and become familiar with the services and facilities available on each campus.”

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