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CDU Art Collection and Art Gallery

Plan your visit

Free admission, all welcome
CDU city campus

CDU Art Gallery has now relocated to the Education and Community Precinct | Danala, in Darwin's CBD. The current opening hours are Wed-Fri, 10am-4pm.

CDU Art Collection viewing is by appointment

* Temporary closures occur during exhibition change-over periods and the annual December / January University closure.

CDU Art Gallery at ECP campus

Education and Community Precinct | Danala
Level 1
54 Cavenagh St
Darwin City, NT 0800

School and community group visits

The CDU Art Gallery welcomes visits by school and community groups. Please book your visit by contacting or phoning 08 8946 6621.

Art gallery student visit
Essington School students view use a mirror to view an inverted image in Mike Parr’s drawing, “The eye like a strange balloon moves through infinity; self-portrait in the land of wafers, part 2”, 1985), 2021
ANKA Arts workers extension program visits the CDU Art Gallery
ANKA Arts workers extension program visits the CDU Art Gallery, 2021
Eileen Lim discusses an artwork by Peter Booth
Eileen Lim discusses an artwork by Peter Booth (Untitled, 1982) with students from Manunda Terrace School, 2021

Please visit  for further information about Darwin city parking around the Education and Community Precinct | Danala campus.

Public transport

Darwin Bus travels between Darwin and Casuarina and stops at the Casuarina campus interchange in front of Student Central, Orange Building 1. 

View route 70 timetable - Darwin to outbound

CDU Casuarina campus map
Image of a person in a wheelchair as the accessibility icon

The CDU Art Gallery has ramp access at all entrances of the building.

A CDU Art Gallery visitor views the interactive immersive reality video and audio artwork “Daday’yun at The Mulka Project”, 2016 by Bawuli Marika, created under the auspices of Buku Larrngay Mulka Arts Centre, Yirrkala, NT in 2016
A CDU Art Gallery visitor views the interactive immersive reality video and audio artwork “Daday’yun at The Mulka Project”, 2016 by Bawuli Marika, created under the auspices of Buku Larrngay Mulka Arts Centre, Yirrkala, NT in 2016
Gallery visitors view a drawing by Winsome Jobling, A year of natural disasters, 2011
Gallery visitors view a drawing by Winsome Jobling, “A year of natural disasters”, 2011
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