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Charles Darwin University (CDU) Microbiologist Dr Susan Pizzutto testing wastewater for traces of COVID-19 for the NT Department of Health.

CDU partnership speeds up the tracing of COVID-19 in the Top End

The Northern Territory now has the capacity to test its own wastewater for traces of COVID-19, thanks to a team of microbiologists at Charles Darwin University (CDU).

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First Nations rangers will learn to combine traditional knowledge with conservation management to care for their land.

Getting ranger ready in Kakadu

First Nations ranger trainees from across the Top End are learning valuable and useful skills as they are trained to become certified rangers through a course providing meaningful employment, training, and career pathways for First Nations Australians.

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Rescued ‘old man’ turtle released back to sea

Researchers from Charles Darwin University (CDU) and Larrakia Rangers have released a 100-year-old flatback sea turtle back into the ocean after rescuing and rehabilitating it.

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Charles Darwin University (CDU) Dr Alyson Stobo-Wilson is the lead author on a national study into the impact of foxes and cats on other species across the country.

Killed, eaten, disappearing: 2.6 billion reasons for better fox and cat control

Scientists are calling for better management of cats and foxes as a new national study led by Charles Darwin University (CDU), finds that 697 million reptiles, 510 million birds and 1.4 billion mammals are being killed by cats and foxes each year across Australia. 

Read more about Killed, eaten, disappearing: 2.6 billion reasons for better fox and cat control
Women In STEM

CDU scientists forge path for women in STEM

Charles Darwin University (CDU) scientists are determined to encourage more women into the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields as the sector strives to become more gender diverse. 

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Charles Darwin University (CDU) PhD candidate Ruth Patterson believes that uncrewed vessels (USVs) are the key in understanding the oceanography of remote seas that are difficult for scientists to explore.

A CDU researcher wants a fleet of uncrewed vessels scouring the oceans to help us better understand and protect them

In the future uncrewed vessels (USVs) will roam the world’s oceans providing valuable data to oceanographers and meteorologists, while also protecting it against illegal fishing and smuggling, that’s the vision of one Charles Darwin University (CDU) researcher.

Read more about A CDU researcher wants a fleet of uncrewed vessels scouring the oceans to help us better understand and protect them

Rangers trial drones to track rare rock-wallaby

First Nations rangers are trialling thermal imaging drones to track one of Australia’s rarest and most secretive wallaby species in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

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Quoll-ity research aims to help northern quoll bounce back

A researcher at Charles Darwin University (CDU), Gavin Trewella, has been working to improve the conservation outlook for an iconic Australian native animal, the northern quoll.

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A new study from a team of international researchers has identified the value of coral reef connectivity to disperse marine species that rely on reefs for their survival.

North Australia reefs vital for connectivity between coral ecosystems, but how vital still a mystery

A new study from a team of international researchers that shows how global reef ecosystems are connected, has also exposed how little is known about the vital coral reefs across Northern Australia, according to a Charles Darwin University researcher.

Read more about North Australia reefs vital for connectivity between coral ecosystems, but how vital still a mystery
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