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Northern Institute

CSIRO Partnership


CDU-CSIRO Research Partnership

Since 2012, CDU (Northern Institute) and CSIRO  have committed to developing an active, collaborative relationship with the potential for pooling expertise to advance understanding of topics related to social policy research related to health, biosecurity and systemic approaches to policy in remote regions, particularly in relation to Northern Australia.

This mutually beneficial partnership has resulted in jointly developed research utilised in Cooperative Research Centres (CRC's) and establishing the Northern Research Alliance (NRA)The association enables research that enhances the well-being of Northern Australia's First Nations and rural community workforces and builds surveillance and service delivery systems that improve the social, environmental and economic well-being of Northern Australia.

In November 2016, the relationship was further solidified with an MOU between Northern Institute (NI), CDU and the CSIRO to collaborate in research, sharing expertise, data and research capacity development, and research services. Building research opportunities developed through strong stakeholder relationships, the strategic partnership focuses on joint health and biosecurity surveillance and service delivery approaches.

CSIRO and CDU have grown from strength to strength culminating in the unique position where each institution's capabilities can be harnessed to provide the competitive advantage for total system health approaches that enable Northern Australia's regional and remote development. Together we've developed and continue to develop programs of work that identify points in biosecurity, environmental and health surveillance, and a delivery system where interventions are more likely to have impact and be cost-effective.

Researcher Cathy Robinson

Dr Cathy Robinson
Principal Research Scientist
CSIRO Northern Institute Honorary, CDU

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Cathy has been working in collaboration with the Northern Institute for over 10 years. She spent time as a Director of the CDU-CSIRO: Northern Australia Research Alliance and is now leading projects with CDU-CSIRO research fellows and staff.

Researcher Ruth Wallace

Professor Ruth Wallace
Pro Vice Chancellor
Faculty of Arts and Society, CDU 

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Ruth is a co-lead for CSIRO-CDU collaborative research projects and is  the Pro Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Arts and Society. 


Researcher Cara Penton

Dr Cara Penton
CSIRO/Northern Institute Research Fellow

View research profile

Researcher Jen MAcdonald

Dr Jen Macdonald
CSIRO/Northern Institute Research Fellow

View research profile


Staff portrait of Hayley Geyle young women with light brown hair smiling in front of trees

Hayley Geyle
CSIRO/Northern Institute Research Academic

Charles Darwin University research associate Dr Amanda Lilleyman with a Far Eastern Curlew, the focus of her research in the Top End

Dr Amanda Lillyman
CSIRO/Northern Institute Casual Researcher



CDU - CSIRO History of Collaborative Research




  • Collaborative Project: Transforming Cultural and natural resource management workforce capabilities
  • Developing a National Koala Monitoring Program (NKMP)
  • Ants a mirror to ecosystem restoration







  • What are the market values of the ecosystem services from Aboriginal cool burns in southern Australia?




  • CSIRO Building capacity and support stakeholders' opportunities to have an impact on changing policy environments in Indigenous communities.



  • Memorandum of Understanding: Northern Institute (CDU) and CSIRO came into effect (3 years)




  • Advancing Collaborative Knowledge Systems for Plant Biosecurity Surveillance (5 years) (Collaborative Project)

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