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Faculty of Arts and Society

Mentor information

InSchool education placements

Mentor teacher role description

A mentor teacher provides students access to his or her classroom/learning environment for mentoring and supporting the development of teaching skills.

Mentor teacher role description  (PDF, 95.46 KB)

If you are interested in mentoring a preservice teacher, please email

Mentoring templates

Payment information

The rate payable per pre-service teacher per day is $21.40. This rate may vary slightly in other states. 2% of the total is paid as an administratition fee.

Please email payment requests to InSchool placements.

Invoice details:

Faculty of Arts and Society – InSchool

Charles Darwin University

Ellengowan Drive, Brinkin NT 0909

ABN 54 093 513 649

Ph (08) 8946 6602

​​​​​​​Payment option 1 - School to invoice CDU

This is the preferred method for payment. The tax invoice must include the following information: 

  • the words 'tax invoice' must be present
  • ABN 
  • invoice date
  • invoice number
  • student name and ID
  • placement start and end dates
  • GST amount if the school is registered for GST
  • School's bank details

If there have been no transactions between both parties in the last 2 years, please complete and return the Supplier Request Form. 

Please make sure a signature is inserted into the document. Once completed, please email the completed form to

Please note: payments made using this method are processed within 30 days.

Payment option 2 - Payment direct to mentor teacher

Please download and complete all items on the forms:

If shared mentoring, all mentors need to submit the Mentor Contract Payment form individually before processing. TFN declaration must accompany this form. 

Please note: payments made using this method usually take a minimum of six - eight weeks for processing.

Payment options for QLD

Please download and complete all items on the forms:

If shared mentoring, all mentors need to submit the Mentor Contract Payment form individually before processing. TFN declaration must accompany this form. 

Payment options for SA

The Department for Education of South Australia (EDSA) Schools must invoice CDU.

Claims for payment must be lodged through the EDSA Practicum Claims Module that allows school/preschool staff to make direct claims to Shared Services after the supervised day(s) have been completed. The school will then need to invoice CDU, and a Commercial in Confidence form must be submitted.

The Commercial-in-Confidence form only needs to be supplied once. Payments to mentors will be made via the EDSA Payroll System. 

Please note: payments made using this method are processed within 30 days. The rate payable per preservice teacher per day is consistent with the standard rate outlined in the EDSA enterprise bargaining agreement.

Payment options for Victoria

Payment option 1 ​​​​​​ - School to invoice CDU. Please refer to the invoicing information above. 

Payment option 2 - Payment direct to mentor teacher. Please download and complete all items on the forms:

Tax Declaration form (to be completed every 6 months) (PDF, 416.36 KB)

Superannuation Standard Choice Form (to be completed once only) (PDF, 258.09 KB)


Payment options for New South Wales

Payment option 1 ​​​​​​ - School to invoice CDU. Please refer to the invoicing information above. 

Payment option 2 - Payment direct to mentor teacher. Please download and complete all items on the forms:

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