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New Guinea giant softshell turtle (hatchling)

Experts warn of species’ imminent extinction

A Charles Darwin University ecologist has joined 50 experts with the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group to publish the most comprehensive study of the extinction risks for turtles and tortoises.


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Dr Carla Eisemberg

Science judges place CDU ecologist in top tier

Charles Darwin University ecologist Dr Carla Eisemberg has been recognised for research excellence by judges searching for Australia’s nominee for the internationally prestigious APEC ASPIRE Prize.

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World Turtle Day

Territory tales to celebrate turtle day

A series of short videos on turtles from the Territory including the story of “Bubbles”, a critically endangered Hawksbill, who was rescued in the waters off Gove, will go live this weekend to celebrate World Turtle Day on Saturday, 23 May.


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HE short courses

CDU responds to COVID-19 short course demand

Charles Darwin University has responded to the recently announced Higher Education Relief Package with a suite of low-cost higher education short-course options aimed at helping support Australians impacted by COVID-19 to emerge with a new qualification. 

Read more about CDU responds to COVID-19 short course demand
David Ompong and Adam Turley

Science kit unlocks the secret of light

A kaleidoscope of light and colour is on offer to Territorians to celebrate the International Day of Light, thanks to science kits available through a partnership between Inspired NT and Charles Darwin University.

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Anna Lemon

Home science kits to help Top Enders grow knowledge

Families can learn the science behind native seeds and how they survive and thrive in the Top End’s dry season fires thanks to science kits available through a partnership between Inspired NT and Charles Darwin University.

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Science Week 2020

Call for inspiring STEM videos

As part of National Science Week local artists have the opportunity to express their creativity, while educating students and the community on the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

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Engineering a solution

Engineering a solution to help fight COVID-19

Charles Darwin University has partnered with technology developer SPEE3D to use 3D printing technology to coat door handles with copper in high traffic areas as a possible solution to help reduce the viability of viruses such as COVID-19.

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NT Rural Women’s Award winner Amy Kirke

Shark scientist wins rural women’s bursary

PhD candidate Amy Kirke will represent the Northern Territory at the National Rural Women’s Award after winning the AgriFutures NT Rural Women’s Award for a project to take science education into remote communities.

Read more about Shark scientist wins rural women’s bursary
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