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Mum studying on her child's bed
As a busy academic/ research student do you feel like you never have enough time to get to your research, particularly the writing part? And that other things like doing the research, teaching, administration, committees, emails etc. demand all your time?
A Katherine educator who is teaching students how to work on rural farms is trying to milk all she can out of a competitive cow.
Amy Kirke, teaches students in remote areas near Alice Springs
Researchers have been teaching primary school students how to track their pet dogs in remote areas using GPS tracking devices as part of a new outreach program in remote parts of the Territory.
Study a postgraduate teaching degree full-time, part-time, online or on campus at Charles Darwin University. Graduate with a nationally-accredited post grad teaching degree so you can teach across Australia.
CDU’s new Trades Training Facility is ready for development, with tender applications for construction now being assessed and a decision anticipated by the end of the month.
New teaching and training facilities to be built at Charles Darwin University (CDU) will unlock education potential across Northern Australia, preparing for a future where the dual sector University will reinvigorate industry growth in trades and manufacturing.
International student pilot program
Inherent requirements apply to the following courses: Master of Teaching, Bachelor of Education Primary, Bachelor of Education Secondary, Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching (Birth-12 Years)
Charles Darwin University (CDU) has signed a memorandum of understand (MOU) with Untapped Holdings to introduce a new Neurodiversity Hub to enhance the learning experience that can assist students and teachers who have variations in their cognition and comprehension, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia and autism.
Charles Darwin University (CDU) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Untapped Holdings to introduce new approaches to the teaching environment for neurodivergent students, teachers, and staff in the Northern Territory.
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