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CDU event

Chinese Foundation

Presenter Lei Shangguan
Contact person
Ali Mubarik
T: 08 8946 7677 E:
Location Darwin Language Centre, 1 Nemarluk Drive, Ludmilla NT 0820
Open to CDU staff and students, Public

Course outline

Chinese Foundation is an introduction to the Mandarin language delivered by the Confucius Institute. This course will run for eight weeks every Tuesday night from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.

Welcome to The Chinese Foundation 1 class! This will be your first step toward success in studying Chinese.

There are only eight lessons on Chinese pronunciation in this book. However, after learning these lessons, a solid foundation will be established in pronunciation and the basic knowledge of Chinese characters. 

In addition to Chinese pronunciation and basic characters, this course will also familiarise you with those dialogues commonly used in daily communication. This Chinese Foundation class is the key to enter the world of the Chinese language. 

This Chinese Foundation class is the key to entering the world of the Chinese language. We hope you enjoy it and wish you success!

For CDU staff and students, the classes are free of cost. Please add the letters CI after your name when you enrol.

For a seniors discount of 10% use the coupon code SENIOR at check out - ID will be checked at the class register.

For a Defence discount of 10% use the coupon code DEFENCE at check out - verification will be required.

Have you missed out on enrolling in this course? Just send us an email and we might be able to help you.

Register now

darwin language centre

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